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What Any ad campaign relevant to a large number of citizens Our mission statement Malicious advertising Our channels:
Where Where a small budget can bring millions of impressions and displace thousands of harmful advertisers Anywhere With government 
officials in your country PayPal (Just kidding. Zero taxpayer money is required to solve this problem.)
Why Bidding on cheap traffic raises its price and drives out malicious advertisers To increase our chances 
of reaching governments
worldwide. Because no one 
else does. To spread the solution to toxic online advertising.
Cheap web traffic is the underbelly of the Internet
where we allow malicious advertising to breed. 
Ad networks that provide it are outside of the public eye 
and mass advertising remains feasible for predatory industries:
like gambling, illegitimate health products and online scams. This is a problem with large-scale consequences 
and anyone can be a part of the solution.

Let’s buy back the web
How much would it cost to replace ads for casinos and miraculous weight loss with messages for public health or child safety? has an exact answer.
Defunding bad actors would only cost a fraction of any other governmental web advertising expense. Governments aren’t informed how but we can change that.